Drinking Water Demand Study in the Maldonado Department with time horizon year 2045

Client: Obras Sanitarias del Estado (OSE)
Water, Environment & Territory

Elaboration of a full study of the drinking water demand in Maldonado Department, including the current status definition (amount by areas) in a base year and the projections of the said demand to year 2045, in the framework of developmental scenarios to be defined.
At least two developmental scenarios are figured for year 2045, considering all these aspects and the intermediate time horizons of years 2025 and 2035.
The studies are carried out using as base previous population and economic analysis, economy evolution perspectives considering all the relevant activities in the territory and the region, the department land-use management existing instruments and local plans, the foresight of large infrastructure projects that could impact in the drinking water demand and/or its location, the singularities resulted from the marked seasonality in the main economic activities and in the socioeconomic conditions in diverse areas of the department, the historic evolution of the drinking water connections, the statistics of raised drinking water volumes for consumption, the status and evolution of the water physical losses in the supply systems.