CSI Ingenieros was hired to carry out an urban water plan, a master plan and a comprehensive preliminary design on sanitation, stormwater, road management and related public spaces in Ciudad del Plata, Uruguay.
The general purpose is to define long term measures and lines of action, providing inputs for investment planning for the next 35 years. It is expected to achieve this through the revision and coordination of existing and to be developed plans and actions. For this, it is crucial to incorporate the water resource in a comprehensive way to the urban structure in order to mitigate conflicts and develop potentialities.
The project aims to contribute to reducing the transmission of waterborne diseases, reducing flood risks, improving public spaces quality and urban connectivity, promoting the rational use of water resources and ensuring water supply to the population.
Project Scope
- Elaboration of a diagnosis of the current situation in terms of drainage, sanitation, drinking water, urbanism, social, institutional, economic and financial aspects.
- Elaboration of an urban water plan considering all water subsystems (drinking watersupply, raw water extraction, domestic and industrial wastewaters, stormwater drainage, coastal and river protection). The plan aims to establish:
• Objectives.
• Priority lines of action.
• Guiding principles to the actions.
• A model that comprehensively involves the urban water cycle and a future vision of the interaction of water and city.
• A management proposal for its implementation.
- Supplement to the Local Urban Planning Project, focused on the definition of scenarios of urban expansion and densification and on the definition of road management and related public spaces.
- Elaboration of a sanitation, stormwater drainage and related public spaces Master Plan for the identification, formulation, evaluation and classification of actions to be implemented based on the defined strategic lines of action. The Master Plan is aimed at a population of 60,000 people in the year 2050.
- Basic engineering of:
• Selected sanitation, treatment, final disposal and stormwater systems.
• Modifications to current system of channels and dikes for civil protection of the city of Delta del Tigre.
• Road management system.
• Public spaces related to all urban works.
- Identification and evaluation of housing and families affected by the works
- Non-structural measures (programs)
- Investment cost estimation, operation and maintenance of installations in the basic project and proposed programs.