Borough Improvement Program – Comprehensive Physical and Social Improvement Project of the North Pando Shanty Area, City of Pando

Client: Intendencia de Canelones (IC)
Water, Environment & Territory

This contract was part of the Neighborhood Improvement Program (""Programa de Mejoramiento de Barrios – PMB"") to prepare a Comprehensive Physical and Social Improvement Project of the precarious Pando Norte Region, Pando City, in the Department of Canelones.
This was a renewal design for a consolidated urban area and service lots that sought to improve the life quality of inhabitants in the area subject to intervention by developing processes focused on socially integrating the precarious region to the remainder of Pando City. Improvements were designed for household and urban infrastructure habitability and room was given for participation to restore significant community ties. The area called “Precarious Pando Norte Region” comprises an extension delimited by a railway to the South and the East, by Route 75 to the West and by the North urban boundary. This area is characterized by a low-density urban development with incomplete infrastructures that comprises five shanty towns falling under the scope of this Project (Caballerizas I and II, Nuevo Pantanal, El Pomo and Paso al Parque). The tasks conducted by CSI were:
- Pre-investment studies and detail engineering for the infrastructure and architecture work.
- Social-neighborhood development project. Neighborhood census.
- Social-neighborhood development project design.
- Administrative tasks were carried out before public entities to obtain necessary information for the designs and relevant approvals and authorizations.

Project Scope

- Social aspects: Execution of the neighborhood census and preparation of the Social-Neighborhood Development Project, that will be implemented during the execution of the physical project.
- Urban planning: Redrawing of the configuration of blocks of the settlements . Rehousing of those families living in floodable areas, with no possibility of a sanitation system, relocation of houses placed in future public areas.
- Sewerage: Design of the sewage network.
- Drinking Water: Completion of the network.
- Pluvial Drainage: Construction of open and closed pluvial drainage channels, complementation of the rainwater collection network.
- Roads: Rural street project with ditch curbs and walkways.
- Electric Network: Complementation and improvement of all the internal electric network of the settlement and of the new housing blocks.
- Social equipment: Architectural design of the Neighborhood Development Center, Conditioning of the public spaces Plaza de los Eucaliptus (Eucalyptus Square) and Plaza Mirador Balcón al Parque (Park Viewpoint .Square).
- Re-settlements: Project of houses for resettled families. 115 resettlements.